
2007-07-07 9:17 am
請幫手把以下文章英轉中,要自己譯,不要翻譯網的! tks
Our mission is to be build the world's most efficient and marketplace in which anyone, anywhere, can buy or sell pracically. We pioneered online trading by developing a Web-based marketplace in which a community of buyers and sellers ae brought together in an entertaining, intuitive, easy-to-use environment to browse, buy, and sell enormous variety of items.

未完,仲有少少: Throught our Paypal service, we enable and business or consumer with e-mail to send and receive online payments securely, conveniently, and cost-effectively.

回答 (2)

2007-07-07 3:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
〔補充o個句係咪有野漏呀,解唔通喎...會唔會係:we enable business and consumer with e-mail to send and receive online payments...〕
我們的 Paypal 服務,使得商戶和有使用電郵的顧客能夠安全、方便和便宜地在線上繳費。

2007-07-07 07:30:09 補充:
改得英文o黎睇漏中文添:我們的 Paypal 服務,使得商戶和有使用電郵的顧客能夠安全、方便和便宜地在線上收費和繳費。
2007-07-07 12:56 pm
我們的任務是做到世界上最有效率的市場。無論任何人,任何地點都可以在我們的市場內pracically購買或售賣 。我們已經開拓線上貿易和發展網上市場,令買主和賣主可以聚集在一個充滿娛樂性,直觀性,以及易於使用的環境來瀏覽; 購買和出售種類繁多的物品.

透過我們PayPal的服務,讓我們能够與企業或消費者所提供的電子郵件 安全地,方便地,和有成本效益地發送和接收網上支付的款項。

Um...I don't know what is the word "pracically"...but i think it's still good without that word...and maybe my translation is not that smooth...but basiclly it tells the main idea...also I hope my answer can help you...>v<...it really took me a long time to do this....Good Luck ar...it;s my pleasure to help ya~~
參考: me

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