
2007-07-07 7:18 am
8月中到巴黎, 請比較以下3間酒店:

1. Ampere Paris (102, Avenue De Villiers, 75017 Paris) (近 Pereire Metro)

2. Amarante Arc De Triomphe (25, rue Theodore de Banville, 75017 Paris) (近 Pereire Metro)

3. Relais De Paris La Fayette Paris (7, rue des Petits) (近 gare du nord Metro)

回答 (2)

2007-07-07 6:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你的頭 2 間酒店都是位於 17 區, 偏了在巴黎市中心的西北部, 你會感覺很遠的, 加上 17 區也沒有什麼特色. 我覺得吸引力不大. 除非價格超低吧
第 3 間位於市中心 10 區, 火車北站附近. 交通方便, 晚上也有很多食肆營業. 但近火車站就人流比較複雜. 但問題也不太大.
如果我自己住, 我就會選第 3 間

2007-07-08 22:36:47 補充:
樓下的 Daniel 朋友所說的 IBIS 其實是不錯的. 在巴黎, 火車站附近永遠都是比較人流複雜, 避得過就最好避避了. 但有色人種並不一定使該區變得危險. Daniel 朋友不要誤會. 他們 (有色人種) 在巴黎受到的歧視遠比你多幾倍, 但他們卻比白人友善好幾倍的. 只是他們的樣貌令人覺得他們比較低下, 我們不應以膚色取人的. 老實說, 巴黎的黑人是比白人多的...你可以考慮住 IBIS Place d'Italie. 這區離火車站遠一點, 但交通十分方便. 你可以到 www.ibis.fr 找資料的
2007-07-08 10:48 am
I just come back from France. I would like to suggest you IBIS hotel in France. In Paris, I stayed in IBIS Hotel near Gare De Lyon (One of Paris's Train Station). Gare De Lyon is also one of the Metro Station for Line 1. Line 1 is one of the main Metro line with most of the metro stations near those famous monuments in Paris. I also stayed in IBIS hotel near Opera in Paris where most of the shops locates. The room rate is about
Euro 89 to 99 for double bed rooms. IBIS hotel can also be found in other cities in France. You can visit their web site www.ibishotel.com for reservation. Personally I don't like to stay near Gare du Nord (train station and metro station). I only stayed in hotel there only for 1 night because I needed to catch up with Eurostar train in early morning back to London. I don't like the location because of security. It is the area with
people from Africa, India. In the early morning when I walked to the Gare Du Nord train station, there was a drunk French shouting at me. I don't know French but I felt that he was unfriendly to me as Chinese.

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