Easy English Question about [subway]

2007-07-07 6:08 am
In HK, instead of using the word [subway], we use the term: A. LRT B. PC

Please explain why the answer is and what is the long form of the answer.

回答 (4)

2007-07-07 7:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
LRT = KCR Light Rail (輕鐵)
I have no idea about PC, I simply know other form of transportations such as:

MTR: Mass Transit Railway (地下鐵路, literally "underground railway")

KCR = Kowloon Canton Railway (九廣鐵路)
參考: Myself
2007-07-08 6:44 am
I have searched for a long time no idea what PC is

I know LRT stands for Light Rail Transit but it's got nothing to do with subway.

Subway generally in HK means MTR

But there is another meaning for subway which is 行人隧道

So in a 免強 sense I choose B. PC

My explanation: PC = Pedestrian Corridor

< I know it does not have to be underground>!!!

Hope correct
2007-07-07 8:45 pm
For A, LRT stands for Light Rail Transit. And for B, PC generally stands for Personal Computer.
Light Rail Transit is a kind of railway that connects Tuen Mun, Tin Shui Wai and Yuen Long. This kind of railway looks like trains, but it's much more shorter. In addition, it rails on the ground, but not under.
Personal Computer, as you can see from the word 'computer', you know that it's a 'computer'. Obviously, you can't sit on a computer and go for a ride.
Subway is a kind of UNDERGROUND. In Hong Kong, there's MTR, Mass Transit Railway. And in Britain, there's Metro.

Frankly speaking, there's no relationship between LRT, PC and Subway. Anyway, they can't replace each other. If you really want an answer, you may choose A: LRT. There're something similar between LRT and Subway, though. They both need a rail to go, they need electricity, and their outlook are 'quite similar'.

So, if you're forced to choose an answer, you should choose A. If not, just tell the one who asked you there's something wrong in the question.
參考: From myself.
2007-07-07 8:44 am
For your question:
In HK, instead of using the word [subway], we use the term: A. LRT; B. PC

I will choose the answer: A.

[subway] is rail, and LRT = Light Rail Transit (it is also a rail).

PC = Personal Computer; it has no relationship with subway.

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