
2007-07-07 3:41 am

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2007-07-09 10:11 pm
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樓上呀中學老師: 差不多十年前已經證實個呢件百年舊野: tongue map of taste係假野, 由解剖學證明五種味道既受體係舌頭既分佈係平均既, 唔係舌尖多d甜...你問心呀, 自己試下啦! 這可能由於西方國家的評酒習慣用特製的杯, 如果說味覺係平均分佈, 佢地既杯會賣唔去, 面子尤關嘛, 咪唔承認囉. 雖然權威既科學雜誌如Nature都講左咁多年, 但係美國大部分教科書都未改, 更加唔好講香港既書啦. 但我應為科學在進步中, 作為一個老師, 為了學生, 請不停update自己.
五種味覺受體係感覺甜, 酸, 鹹, 苦, 和味精的味道[umami], 有人dup之曰[鮮]. 之所以冇教科書咁寫, 係因為鮮味係日本人發現既, d英美人士唔想承認, 但解剖學已經有十足既證據架啦. 而家更加有人要加第六味fat[脂?], 但仲未得到廣泛支持.
至於試到味道既地方除左舌頭, 仲包括上顎後方和會厭.
動物嘗唔嘗到咩味, 同佢既食性有關. 豬吃肉又吃穀類, 同人類咁食雜, 嘗到既味會差不多. 反而貓淨食肉, 係唔會食到甜呢d同肉冇咩關係既野.
The human tongue can detect five basic taste components: sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami. ... Contrary to the popular myth and generations of schoolbooks, there are no distinct regions for tasting different tastes.[5]
The notion that the tongue is mapped into four areas-sweet, sour, salty and bitter-is wrong. There are five basic tastes identified so far, and the entire tongue can sense all of these tastes more or less equally...The tongue map is easy enough to prove wrong at home. Place salt on the tip of your tongue. You'll taste salt. For reasons unknown, scientists never bothered to dispute this inconvenient truth.The map has frustrated many a grade-schooler, including me, who couldn't get the experiment right in science class. I failed for insisting I could taste sugar in the back of my tongue.
In fact, there's more to taste than sweet, sour, salty and bitter. Most scientists agree that there's a fifth distinct taste, called umami, identified by a Japanese scientist named Kikunae Ikeda in the early 1900s (and ignored by the West for most of the twentieth century). This is the taste of glutamate. It is common in Japanese foods, particularly kombu, a type of sea vegetable similar to kelp, and in bacon and monosodium glutamate (MSG), which Ikeda isolated and patented. There's considerable debate about the existence of a sixth taste receptor for fat, too.
Collings found that all tastes can be detected anywhere there are taste receptors-around the tongue, on the soft palate at back roof of the mouth, and even in the epiglottis, the flap that blocks food from the windpipe.

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