Sales-English interview skills,Please help!

2007-07-07 2:15 am

回答 (3)

2007-07-13 12:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
If there are more people applying in this job, there will be group interview, group interview 是視乎情況而定的, 如果那個 position 所請的 vacancy 多, 或 apply 既多, 咁就可能用 group interview, 難唔難就視乎每個人而定。 想突出 d, 當然要勇敢發言, 有組織咁表達自己, 最好從中可表達到對工作有利之處, 令 interviewer 有深刻印象 何觀察考生心理: 1.如果無人開口先, 你第一個開口討論, 視為積極, 加分

2.如果有人挑起爭論,吵個不停, 而你識即時轉話題, 加分

3.如果你喋喋不休, 不給他人說, 減分 Here are some sample questions:Q: Why are you applying as a sales: Ans: I like (name the product this company is selling). I also like to work with people instead of sitting down to do office work. 2Q: What experience do you have in sales: Ans: Honestly, i really don't have much experience before . But I am a fast learner and will try my very best.3Q: What do you think about the product this company is selling: Ans: I think the company products are different than other company in a way that....(make up some opinion, such as "the price is more /less expensive. OR the product suits the young people because....4Q:Please introuduce yourself:Hello! My name is XXXXWong. I am now applying for sales staff in ( VVVV company) . I finsihed Form 5 last year and got a higher diploma in Business from IVY this year. I really don't have much experience in the past, but I am a fast learner and enjoy working with people. I will try my very best to learn and do the work if I get the job. In free time, I like to dance and play tennis with my friends and family. i am a very out-going person.Thank you for giving me this chance. 5Q: Why do you expect to learn in this job?I expect to learn more about how to deal withdifferent types of customers in this job. Moreover, I want to learn more the culture and services of this company.6Q: Why didn't you continue shcool instead? Answer: I really want to work to see what I am intersted in first and gain more experience first, instead of studying all the time.7Q: What are some of your weakness? I think II really don't have much experience. But I think I can learn things very fast. (don't tell them all your weaknesss!!!0 8Q: What are your strengths: I am very good with people. I'm very patient too. In the past, I 've been a volunteer worker in many social organziations. I'm easily making friends with others and not aftaid to talk to stranger.哩個係一個個人發揮o架測試,英文普通話唔洗叻,最緊要係夠啖定,夠自信, 表達清晰....最好就睇吓現流行o架時裝, 到時人哋問乜你都可以答倒咁就ok啦,唔好緊張,當同一個普通朋友傾計就得喇The job interview gives the potential employee and potential employer a chance to learn more about each other. The below web site could be help you how to make a good interview.

面試中心 - 助你表現更佳

英)為求職者提供面試須知,包括面試問題範例及求職面試技巧。 - Job Interview Guide, Interview ...

Job interview guide with links to interviewing tips, sample interview questions, practice interviews, and answer strategies. ... Interview questions from actual job interviews for IT, ... t/

Job interview

Job Interview package - Home Page. Copyright 1997, Independent Learning Centre, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. All rights reserved. ... job/index.html Job Interview Questions

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2007-07-09 7:59 am
Usually, they would ask something like (suggested answers in bracket in Simple English)

1. Why are you interested in this job?
- (I love to commuicate with people and serve them)
2. What quality you believe you have that you are suitable for this job?
- (I am easy-going and I am able to deal with difficult customers)
3. How would you handle difficult customers?
- (I would ask them "what could I do for you" to see what are their needs and wants and if I could fulfill them I would do so)

Hope this help a bit.

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