
2007-07-06 7:36 pm
我想問下珠寶鑒證課程既英文系咩啊﹖ 唔該晒﹗﹗

回答 (3)

2007-07-07 12:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
appraisal 代表估值 , 不是代表鑑定 .

我想這個比較合理 : Jewellery in Gemmology Course

有証書就加 Cerificate , 有文憑就加 Diploma
參考: 浸會大學課程目錄
2007-07-06 8:34 pm
Jewelry Appraisal Course

2007-07-08 21:05:50 補充:
For this term "Jewellery in Gemmology Course", none of the words means 鑑定.
When you judge which answer is better, you have to verify the answer, you have to check out the dictionary or your English would never get better.
2007-07-06 8:00 pm
Gemstones certification course

參考: myself

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 00:44:26
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