彌月酒 的英文是什麼?????

2007-07-06 5:59 pm
彌月酒 的英文是什麼?????

回答 (5)

2007-07-06 6:03 pm
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滿月酒,可以叫 Red Egg and Ginger Party
簡單 D 可以叫 My Child ' s First Month Party 或 First Month Celebration


In Chinese culture, a baby ' s first month birthday calls for a celebration. Proud parents introduce their latest addition to friends and relatives by holding a red egg and ginger party(羗酌). Traditionally, the baby ' s name is also announced at this time.

Guests attending red egg and ginger parties bring gifts. Lysee or " lucky money " in red envelopes (紅封包) is often given to baby boys, while girls may receive expensive jewelry. The guests don't leave empty handed, either. The parents hand out red-dyed eggs (紅雞蛋), symbolizing happiness and the renewal of life.

New mothers drank a nutritious broth made with pig 's feet, eggs, vinegar and ginger (豬腳薑醋). Many new mothers still follow this ritual today.

In recent years, some of the traditions surrounding red egg and ginger parties have been modified. Parents may choose to hold the celebration at a fancy restaurant, complete with costumed Chinese performers or even a children's magician. Also, the baby may be anywhere from one to three months old by the time the party is held. But the custom of passing out red-dyed eggs continues. Parents may also use the brightly colored eggs to announce the birth; an even number of eggs are sent out for a boy, and an odd number to announce a baby girl.
2015-07-21 4:17 am

推薦你可以到J&E 真心一世銀飾的網站上看看喔~ http://migre.me/qNILU





2014-05-12 12:18 pm
我一直都有過敏狀況,是最近才知道要用防螨寢具的,因為醫師建議我用,我也考慮了很久,想說要買就買最好的,上個月趁網站有折扣的時候買了一組【北之特】防蹣(螨)寢具來用用看,真沒想到~~現在覺得過敏狀況有改善多了。雖然比一般的貴一些,不過~真值得!對了~到官網購買比百貨公司專櫃還便宜喔! ^^
2007-07-06 10:27 pm
應該是滿月酒。它的英文是a feast celebrating the first month of a newborn baby

2007-07-06 6:50 pm
彌月酒 的英文是什麼?
New-born baby's one month old dinner party.
參考: SELF

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