
2007-07-06 10:26 am
我想入pr agency做,因為覺得接觸較廣同more challenging~
佢地係咪多數prefer communication, marketing and language畢業o既人?
我係tourism management degree holder,機會大唔大??
我知道interview多會考interpretation and寫新聞稿,但我想問我需唔需要讀d咩黎equip自己?佢對篇press release要求高ma??因對我黎講寫篇呢d野係幾難.....
其實係咪當接到一個job時,就會有1 team人做,而初入職o既人係咪就係呢team人o既其中一個人??咁要做幾耐先可以爬到handle一個project o既team leader??
其實香港有冇d特別出名o既pr agency??可唔可以舉d example??又係咪in呢d公司會好d??
extra 問題:其實做呢行,用到其他語言like english and japanese o既機會多唔多?
thx a lot!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2007-07-08 9:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Why do you want to be PR? Do you know that in the beginning years, you are only responsible for planning and setting up some functions to please the customers. You will have to stand in the function parties for the whole night, serving like a servant. But if you are an outgoing person who is very active and does not like paper work, I think it will be interesting for you.

Yes, being a PR you will know many people but the thing is these people can be very 品流複習 and very 難頂, if you have high 自專心, you will feel very鬱, a friend of mime out 抑鬱症 after one year of work in a very famous PR firm in HK.

PR frims like all kinds of people who have 口才,高度,靚 but you may have an advantge if you have studied communications. In interviews, the companies will ask you to write and read to make sure you can communicate clearly. If marketing students cannot speak clearly and not good looking, PR firm may not have good impression to hire them.tourism management degree holder,機會大
if you have experience organizing events, parties, and be the Master of Ceremony--show the company you read, write, and speak well and also you have many customer services experiences.

I think you should start reading Chinese and english news every day to equip yourself.
Press release will not be high standards as long as all your grammar is correct. May be you can give yourself some problems to wrtie a press release and then post it up in Yahoo. So that we can correct for you. Another way is that you can read the Chinese newspapers of a news article and then try to find the same case written in English in the Newspapers. You can learn how other people write and write better. In some PR firms, they also ask the interviewers to wirte a memo in English to test your english ability. They may also require interviewers to write a short proposal for the event for 2 pages there. Yes, 當接到一個job時,就會有1 team人做,而初入職既人maybe 係咪就係呢team人既其中一個人if they think that you are well-trained and you can help the team. Around one year later, when you have more ecpeeriences with the job and the company needs to grow bigger and hire more new comes, you may become a team of a new team. This is hard to tell, really depends on how fast you learn and how good the firm's business is. If the amount of job is the same as you first comes in, then no way!
mandarin and english will be 2 useful language. Other languages is no need because the foreign clients will prepare to find some professional translator or intepretot in helping them to write. Very seldom they hire foreign people to write their own lanaguage. as you know the language requirement is very high in PR.
Being a PR is a very hard -working 真係好辛苦 but if you work in some small companies, you learn more and you may have more chance to be contacting the customer and later open a Firm on your own. You know that many famous peop;le's daughters opened a PR firm (one Person) such as Anson Chan's daughter and Chiu Siu Kwong's only daughter.
Because you don't have any contacts of business, the salary is around $10000 per month but always OT without extra pay. You may have to work on holidays if therre is a function or preparation.
Why PR firm is so辛苦 because they hire 5 people to do 15 people's job so that they can earn more, just like marketing firms.
I will add as 補充 after I ask my friend about any good PR firms.
But if you work in good and big firms, they are more 克薄,政治,是非because the companies know that every one like you want to be leaders to get better salary. Actually, it's better to begin with small firms so that you can understand the functions of PR job for 3 months (do not sign contract) . You may hate it.

Go to job DB: many big firms with good PR training programs
2007-07-08 6:50 am

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