英譯中, 麻煩晒

2007-07-06 7:02 am

回答 (3)

2007-07-06 8:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"張先生而家用緊電話" Mr. Cheung is using the phone now.

"美麗公司不等於美麗有限公司" Beautiful Comany is different to Beautiful Company Limited.

2007-07-06 12:32:34 補充:
注: "美麗公司不等於美麗有限公司" 意即: 美麗公司和美麗有限公司 是兩間不同的公司.
參考: SELF
2007-07-06 7:13 am
1. Mr Cheung is on the phone now.
2.A beautiful company is not equal to a limited Beautifful Company.
2007-07-06 7:06 am
Mr. Cheung is on the phone right now.

Beauty Company is not equal to Beauty Company Limited.

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