
2007-07-06 4:14 am

回答 (2)

2007-07-09 8:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Aubert 是最好的牌子, 佢有分數個級數, 最高既 De Luxe, Luxe, "A", 去到普通既 "Aubert, made in France", 當中有d變種, 例如唔同尺寸, 活動腳, E弦下鑲烏木同全琴馬鑲烏木邊等。Aubert 的琴馬除了是同級風乾得最耐之外, 佢亦有木料預處理既秘方, 好少會變型。佢地木質最好,而且切割角度亦講究。Supreme De Luxe 其實唔係比De Luxe 高級,只係用唔同木做的,超硬,一般琴用不著。

Despiau 分3樹,2樹,1樹同無樹。3樹都無 Luxe 甘好,而且批馬時感覺無甘爽。價錢平Aubert 少少。 

Teller 的木不是意大利木,而是德國木,木紋比較疏,但佢既好處係好多唔同既款都有。Royal De Luxe 係最高級型號, 但密度比Aubert De Luxe 差。 

一般既琴用 Aubert A 已經足夠, 再高級既琴先配用高級既馬, 因為靚馬都是比較硬, 而琴太弱用硬馬會有反效果。另外唔好以為De Luxe 一定比 Luxe 好, 只是存放年份有分別, 木質是差不多的, 外國的大行係會買好多馬仔回來, 揀完後存上二三十年先用, 不要的琴馬再轉售去其他地方。故此不要只看招牌, 或單純以價錢去衝量是否抵買。專門店一般有Luthier Selection,就係最好的琴馬了。 雖然貴d, 但你一比較就知分別。 另外 Aubert 係無3星馬的。

有好馬都要有好Setup才會有效果, 如果唔係會糟蹋一隻好馬的。
2007-07-06 11:09 am
Aubert is the best, it has deluxe, super luxe, luxe and some others, as the wood for the deluxe is in shortage, you really have to search, it costs you two hundreds something.

Despiau is also from France, the superieur is of lower quality, and is cheaper of course.

Teller from Germany is quite good, but is a little bit too expensive and not so suitable in HK.

Bausch, I have never tried.

All in all, Aubert is darker and Despiau is brighter, in HK, get an Aubert deluxe if you can, because there is no point to spend the money to fit a bridge of low quality, since the fitting costs more than the bridge.
參考: Experience.

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