I'm not a plastic bag 真假問題

2007-07-06 12:09 am
我訂左個袋, 但驚收到時會係假,

回答 (3)

2007-07-10 6:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, 我都係呀,過左數添喇,仲話我果個係最後一個,又要我今日1點前過好數,唔係的話又賣俾下一個,等我驚驚青青咁,晨咁早落街過數俾佢,點知晏d睇返,佢仲sell緊~~~




參考: 自己親身經歷
2007-07-06 12:39 am
I found related info from Anya Hindmarch's webpage:

Why is this new bag a different price to the original brown bag?
We have been overwhelmed by the world’s response to this project and inundated with requests to take this bag available to a wider international audience. The UK bag was priced at £5. This price meant that Anya Hindmarch and all launch partners have not been covering their costs. Despite this, we were all prepared to do it as we felt that we were doing ‘our bit’ to help to raise awareness of reusable shopping bags.

However, in order to launch the bag more widely & internationally, we had to make it cover it’s costs & ensure that no party loses money. The price for the next launches therefore, will be £7.50 (or the local equivalent).

We hope that you agree that this remains an amazing price for this bag. We also hope that the international launches will spark the same awareness and debate that we have provoked in the UK and encourage people to reuse, reduce and recycle!

How can I keep my bag clean?
Please brush your bag gently with a soft brush to remove everyday dust. Some people have hand washed their bags and this does seem to work but please do so with caution. We would advise spot cleaning with warm water and a gentle soap.

What do we think about the bags re-selling on ebay for inflated prices?
At first we were upset when the bags appeared on e-bay but then we realised that this is to be expected when there is so little stock and so much demand and this has led to creating more awareness which was the purpose of this project. Unfortunately we have no control over bags appearing on eBay. Please note that this bag is not a charity project so charities are not losing out.

2007-07-05 17:22:05 補充:
6th July – SE AsiaA limited edition grey version launches in Anya Hindmarch stores in Hong Kong... ... ...咁如果您個袋係響網上 bid, 有冇講邊日交收, 或者有冇講 " 一定 " 有貨呀 ?香港 ge 灰色貨, 6號先至公開發售, 咁又要睇人地賣您幾多錢呢 ! 祝 好運 !!
參考: hope help ~ !!
2007-07-06 12:36 am
以我所知無得訂, 要七月六日親身到銷售地點買, 先到先得.
參考: me

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