Buffalo Router (WHR-G54S)NAT問題

2007-07-05 9:03 pm
買左個Buffalo返黎跟住以下方法去Set port forward,但去吾到我個 server.
1.其中一部PC set做192.168.11.2
2.Login左router之後,去Advanced Config入面個NAT set左以下野。
WAN Side IP Address揀Air Station's IP Address,Protocol揀TCP/UDP,跟住揀HTTP(TCP port 80),LAN IP Address set左192.168.11.2,按Add加左 port,之後logout試機,但吾得去吾到個web server.
我已經試過用 DHCP 等 ROUTER 自己派IP,但都吾得,Windows Firewall我值頭熄左同埋開左Windows TCP port 80都吾得,我係用BB25的,係NO-IP度指個個Domain去我個IP度了,就算吾打domain,直接打IP都入吾到,反而入左router既setup page,真係吾知咩事,請各前輩多多幫忙!

先謝謝你肯幫我!! 1. 試過係自己部機打http://係可以入到架,但打isp比個ip就吾得。 2. 我開頭都以為admin page係搶左80黎用,但我都試過將admin page set返做8080, port80比返192.168.11.2用, 或者吊轉,但都係吾得。 請問仲知吾知邊度出現問題呀?

回答 (3)

2007-07-05 9:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. From internal network (LAN), did you try enter on web browser? If it works, it means that your web server working ok. You can enter this URL from your second computer if you have, or from the host itself. The purpose is to test the web function is configured properly on web server.

2. Because your router admin page is using port 80 also, and therefore when you type the ip, it goes to the admin page. I think, you should consider to change the tcp port for your web server if you are using the same ip as your router. Try consider to use tcp port 8080. In this case; when you enter the url, you should use from internal LAN and using http:// :8080 from public.

2007-07-05 13:26:21 補充:
For example;your WAN IP of your router is, then from public. you should enterhttp://
2007-07-05 10:34 pm
You can enter this URL from your second computer if you have, or from the host itself. The purpose is to test the web function is configured properly
2007-07-05 9:09 pm
What are you saying??

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