Wireless Router 問題

2007-07-05 8:49 pm
我有兩部電腦,現在用了wireless router上網,有一部用LAN連接router,另一部用wirless adapter,但用wireless adapter那部電腦不能上網,但顯示是連線的,請問有沒有高人能指點一下?謝謝

wireless router用sercomm 717
wireless adapter用avaya

回答 (1)

2007-07-06 6:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Guess you may have NOT properly set up the wireless router.
You need to check if you have configurated your wireless router (see below links for more details):-

DHCP setting
Wireless settings (mode 54/108/a/b/g, SSID, channel)
Security settings (WEP 64/128 bit, TKIP, none)




The simplest way and short description on how to setup a wireless network.

Read these links for details :-
http://www.microsoft .com/athome/moredone /wirelesssetup.mspx (Microsoft)
http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/networking/setup/wireless.mspx (MS)
http://www.openplatf orm.com.hk/Knowledge /WRT54G_HKBN_b.htm (LinkSys)
http://www.resnet.uc i.edu/routersetup.as p (LinkSys)

Hope this helps......

### others pls do not copy my reply

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