✔ 最佳答案
英詩的體裁比較沒有那麼講究, 最重要係內容。不過如果你想讀落順口些, 令人難忘些, 你可以寫一些rhyming的句子。
你可以第一段整後押一個韻, 第二後再押另一個韻, 成篇poem每一段都押唔同的韻。
e.g.When I'm optimistic, I'll utter:
'No dedications, No repayments'
When I'm pessimistic, I'll whisper:
'No expectations, No disappointments ' (copyright@Kaylee)
e.g.Today is your birthday
I hope it's not too late
For me to show my love in this way
I can't think of anything cool
What I can do
Is write this poem for you (copyright@Kaylee)
最好每一句中的字的音節相約, here is a BAD example.
e.g. Thank you so much for you to ask me this question
I hope it's a good solution
上句與下句的音節相差太遠, 讀起來太不順口。
如果你寫poem係只是用來自娛, 那就不用那麼講究體裁。因為一首poem能充份表現到你想寫出的感受, 那已經是一首好poem. 如果那不是自娛, 便會麻煩講究得多。