EBAY 拍買被凍結 Account !?

2007-07-05 1:24 pm
我係 ebay 買舊波鞋 波衫, account 竟被 suspend ! 理由係 " 拍賣品未經授權 Un-authorise Item " !? 但我賣的是正版 + second hand 呢~ 打聽過原來好多 HK 賣家都比 ebay 指係賣 未經授權貨 或甚至假貨 而被 ban account .

到底有什麼方法可以令 ebay 明白我係賣正版 ? 好多 HK 賣家比 ebay 指係賣 未經授權貨 或甚至假貨 而被 ban account 又是否真有其事 ??

thanks ~

回答 (1)

2007-07-07 5:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
If they mentioned is 'unauthorise item' means some of the brand name / products / technique have been registered, if you're not the one who authorize to sell, of coz you cannot sell.

You can email to ebay and telling them you're selling the auth items, not the fake one. They will investigate. for myself, my ebay account has suspended before because of the feedback problem - seller responsibilities. My ebay account takes 1.5 months to reinstate it back.

I know you must feeling headache and unhappy. Take it easy.
參考: self

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