緊急請問: 馬來西亞自由行 - 由Kuala Lumpur 去Kuala Terengannu的交通方法!

2007-07-05 9:34 am
如題, 我想去Kuala Terengannu, 係Kuala Lumpur 出發, 請問空路與陸路的詳細資料.
1. 坐咩airline 最平(但要穩妥)? 幾錢?
2. 陸路去搭邊間巴士公司? 幾錢? 大概幾耐? 安唔安全?


回答 (1)

2007-07-06 3:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) For Flight, you can take Airasia. http://www.airasia.com.my

Sat 07 Jul 2007 - Kuala Lumpur LCCT(KUL) to Kuala Terengganu(TGG) Flight Departs Arrives Passenger Fare Type
AK 6336 1700 (KUL) 1805 (TGG) Adult

149.99 MYR K FARE

Quick but expensive.

2) 巴士公司 - Better choose big company. You can refers to website: http://www.journeymalaysia.com/ptakualaterengganu.htm

Transnasional is reliable and recommended. RM29.70 per trip. Journey takes approx travel time 8hrs.

My in-laws are in Malaysia and we never have problem travelling within Malaysia with either Airasia or Transnational.

Hope this helps.
參考: Myself.

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