Beards, Mustaches or No facial hair?

2007-07-05 3:23 am
which do you prefer ?

回答 (32)

2007-07-05 3:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
either none, or a little stubble.

mustaches are definitely out of the question!
2007-07-05 5:52 am
Clean Shaven!
2007-07-05 5:42 am
I prefer no facial hair on a woman....
參考: Kadija S
2007-07-05 3:43 am
I'm a gal who loves the hair... beards, goatees, moustaches, w/e! I love the trimmed look, or long and full... but don't try it if you have patches or cannot grow a full beard ... that's just ugly!
My first husband had some problem with patches and even when he tried to grow a beard for me, it was sad... so he just stayed with the moustache! My second husband can grow a beard but won't do it cause he doesn't like the itchiness on his face! Oh well... maybe the third times a charm huh! ;0)
2007-07-05 3:38 am
No facial hair. I don't like going thru a brush pile to get to the picnic!!
2007-07-05 3:37 am
Mustache and nicely trimmed goatee combo
2007-07-05 3:30 am
2007-07-05 3:28 am
definately no facial hair...beard and mustaches are ok but i prefer a clean face (smile)...have a blessed day!
2007-07-05 3:27 am
I prefer a goatee, or no facial hair at all!

2007-07-05 3:26 am
No facial hair
2007-07-05 3:25 am
No facial hair

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