Why do so many Americans tend to think that their country is the best in the world?

2007-07-04 9:45 am
... That their government, whatever its defects, is still better than any other,
... That their government system (i.e. a democracy) is the only desirable one,
... That their economy is the only viable economy,
... That their lifestyle is the most comfortable in the world, etc. etc.

I'm Taiwanese and British but I WON'T claim that my countries are the best at anything. Taiwan and the UK both have their advantages and disadvantages, and so does the US.

And I'm not saying that democracy is bad. Of course I'd generally prefer a democracy to a dictatorship, but some Americans can be so narrow-minded in discussions about different government systems!!

回答 (27)

2007-07-04 2:08 pm
2007-07-04 6:20 pm
US gave the world the internet?

So much for Tim Berners-Lee (a BRITISH scientist) working at CERN (in SWITZERLAND) eh?
2007-07-04 5:40 pm
You are from Taiwan? You had better thank your lucky stars that the USA is here. We are the only reason that you have not been overrun by mainland China.

The USA is the greatest country on Gods green earth, like it or not. Our form of government is still the best, democracy is preferable to any other form of government, American capitalism is not the only viable type of economy but it certainly is the best and yes we live a more comfortable lifestyle than anyone else in the world.

These are indisputable facts. It is the opposite of an open mind to deny facts. 2 + 2 does not equal yellow, and the USA has the best society on the planet right now. denying it to spare the feelings of the rest of the world would not make it any less true.

2007-07-04 4:50 pm
Foreigners just assume that we think that, because they know that it's true.
2007-07-04 4:50 pm
It's called liking your country. I hate to tell you, but if you go to any country the citizens there are probably going to say that they like it there.
2007-07-04 6:12 pm
Home is where the heart is.
Why do you let it bother you? Insecure maybe?
I certainly don't spend my time wondering if the Taiwanese or British think their country is the best.
2007-07-04 4:58 pm
Most Americans aren't as narrow-minded as the media potrays us... just you know. I have been living in Japan for a year and I have friends from all over Asia and I must say that Japanese people and Korean people hit me as more nationalistic. Korean people (that I know) are nice up until you talk about a Korean person marrying a white person. That makes them angry because Koreans are the "superior race" in their minds. Japanese people think they are the only race on the planet that has the mental capacity to learn a foreign language. I have been living here for a year to study Japanese and still everyone always wants to speak English withough hearing me utter a word in Japanese because they don't think a foreigner could speak their language, but they think they speak English perfectly. I usually can't understand them because most people can't speak English here.
2007-07-04 10:43 pm
with all our flaws we are still the best.
參考: proud american
2007-07-04 5:12 pm
True every country has it Pros and Cons. But as an American it's a matter of national pride. Here is a small list of what the US has given to the world.

1. The world is not in the hand of the AXIS powers. It was a group thing that won the war but minus the US being there, the Axis would have won.

2. Most of the greatest inventions have come out of the US.

3. In Movies, the best films come out of the US.

4. The US gives more to Charity than any other country. Not because we have to, but because it's the right thing to do.

5. The World made the US economy the only viable one.

PS It is the power of the US that Taiwan is not under China's control.
2007-07-04 4:56 pm
Because we're told so as soon as we can talk. Directly or indirectly, we're told we could have anything and do anything we want..which means "money makes us the best"...and the flaws of other countries are pointed out with disgust, more so than our own.
Each country has its pros and cons though.
2007-07-04 8:26 pm
Because they have been told so!
2007-07-04 4:59 pm
Massive brainwashing by their popular culture that they are so fond of.
2007-07-04 6:48 pm
Ask the 20 million illegal immigrants--maybe you can convince them to leave. Maybe some other country should claim to be the best, so its population will have to learn Spanish, too. Just a little Malibu humor. Actually, China in particular will eventually have to step up to the plate on global environmental issues and other issues, as it becomes increasingly industrialized. Good ideas can be found anywhere, including outside of the U.S.--I don't think anyone would deny that. And the U.S. should not make the imposition of its views or its might a matter of policy toward other nations. But in terms of individual liberties and opportunity, it's a pretty good place. I spent some time in Canada recently and it was nice. Seemed like less crime, although I was in one of the smaller cities there. I will say this: some countries do seem to have a better handle on crime. We probably all have things to learn from each other.
Not every individual American citizen is in a position to significantly influence U.S. policy--indeed, other than the act of voting (and many Americans do not even vote) most Americans are outside the sphere of policy influence.
And the U.S. really is a melting pot, with influences and population segments from all over the globe.
2007-07-04 5:47 pm
Look I live in your part of the world I don;t walk into a bar/pub and say "I'm American the best.." but many think they can attack my country and I am to say nothing it doesn't work that way and one half of you are the wore st offenders the expat Brits think can say any thing and when you tell them off all you get is "well I neverrrr" and they clear their throats for 5 Min's I'd know this yanks are the most defencive people in this world you attack and they will fight back and if you don't like don't attack!
2007-07-04 11:27 pm
Because America is the best country in the world! No where else can you get the freedoms that we have.
2007-07-04 10:21 pm
Our country is not where we were born by an accident of geography but place that either you or an ancestor made a conscience decision to come to. This includes the native Americans who come to this country thousands of years ago over a land bridge from Siberia. We all have the knowledge our families came here for a better life and we believe that with hard work we will achieve it.
2007-07-04 5:07 pm
well its our country that created this Internet to let you voice your opinion...this country does do many things right and is the best at many things...every country has advantages and disadvantages...but when you use the term "best" it implies the country as a whole...and thus you can only choose one...if you had to choose between Britain and Taiwan...which is the best...that is why many Americans look at America being the best...the painting not the paint that makes up the painting...so to assume people are "narrow minded" because they choose it as the best in not an entirely accurate assumption...
2007-07-04 4:54 pm
It's because they're too proud or maybe because they have nothing in their life to be proud of so they become too proud of their country or maybe it's because they just want to be diverse like the rest of America is.
2007-07-04 9:59 pm
I TOTALLY agree with you!All you can hear is 'America the land opportunities,the land of democracy blah blah blah'...
Americans (thank God not all of them) say that their country is the best in the world because they don't know the rest of the world (i repeat,not all of them) an because they were told to.They claim to be the most fair country but their government knows only how to kill,destroy and all that in the name of democracy!But that's called capitalism...Do they even know where democracy came from?It came from ancient Greece,my country.I don't say we are the best (but we were the best ,long time ago) cause we are not.At least we and some other countries,don't claim to be best.
Off course America has given the world many things,like some inventions,unforgettable writers,good music and others but not like they are the reason we exist.And...most of the inventions and many unforgettable writers and good music, that chanced humanity came from Europe or Asia or Egypt or from ALL OVER THE WORLD and(specially)NOT only from America.
America WAKE UP!The people you choose to rule you,destroys you...You're such a beautiful country but sooooooo arrogant...
2007-07-04 4:58 pm
because they think that being a first world country, who got a base in almost all country made them think that they are very powerful. It is a fact that in America, they have all the opportunities. But im sure there is so much disadvantages in their country that non-american does not know, and americans will not allow the non-americans to know..We just let them enjoy what they feel and think afterall they are not the happiest people in the world...
2007-07-05 9:52 am
It doesn't take a brain scientist to know the true facts on your question. The British are our wonderful allies and are just like we are. So I guess , I would say that Britain is right up with the USA. I Love Britian and God bless the USA and Britain. Don't be so negative, towards us. Claim to know, respect and admire your own country , and give us some Respect, too.
2007-07-05 2:02 am
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
2007-07-05 2:02 am
YES america is very best & number 1 because
1-Killing innocent humanbiengs like in iraq & afghanistan so no.1
2-Teaching the arts of terrorism so no.1
3-More than hundred of women r raped every day so no. 1
4-Attacking others contries 4 thier own purpose so no.1
5-Doing something by thier self & blaming others like 9/11 so no.1
6-Thinking thier self as heroes but in real r zeroes so no. 1
so sister u r absolutely right america is best & no. one
2007-07-04 5:25 pm
Ok the reason i think that the american people think there so great is that the coverment brainwashes them day in day out but the truth is 80% of the people have never left the shores of america. But now thats beginning to change there not so sure now the war in the middle east is killing there boys and girls what a waste of human life
2007-07-04 4:54 pm
I dont know what else to say except that I learned other countries have more than us. :)
2007-07-06 12:17 am
All americans are raised to be patriotic they belive their country to be the best. I likewise believe Scotland to be the best their is nothing wrong in being proud of your heritage
2007-07-05 8:47 am
A republic form of Government, in it's inherit format, is the best type of government, because it derives it powers from the people and the people control their own destiny. Many in my country do not like Bush, and in 2008, a new President will be selected. In any other form of Government, the leader in power cannot be changed, as such if the leader is poor, the country will decline. As a side note, no "democracy" has ever existed in a major country in the planet's history. A true democracy has every member of the state voting on every single issue which is impractical.

As far the the US being the "best", the best is subjective. In terms of lifestyle, the US allows you to pursue any lifestyle who desire, whether it be the accumulation of material goods, dedication to the religion you believe, a life of leisure or any other iteration you desire. So there is no true "US Lifestyle", it is what you make it.

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