
2007-07-05 6:31 am
Thx a lots!!!!

回答 (2)

2007-07-11 10:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes but not very large compare to Sydney, located next to Central Market and Hilton Hotel (Address: Gouger Street and Grote Street, Adelaide)
參考: i live in adelaide
2007-07-05 7:07 pm
你應該是說南澳首府 "阿德萊德" 是嗎?? 雖然澳洲華人大部份居於悉尼及墨爾本, 但只要有人的地方就會有中國人. 阿德萊德當然也有唐人街, 位於市中心希爾頓酒店附近.
這裡有一篇關於阿德萊德唐人街的報導, 可作參考: http://sports.sina.com.hk/cgi-bin/news/show_news.cgi?type=new&date=2007-03-06&id=1057270

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