
2007-07-05 5:46 am
好多人話煎好食, 但要點煎呢?

回答 (2)

2007-07-07 4:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
Salad with cucumber, carrot and crab stick + jap mayonase.
Or put it on top of japanese rice and add some nori seaweed and few sesames on top.
Or just eat it with cold tofu
Or eat it with Natto
Use Korean pancake powder, throw in sliced carrots, 明太子, sliced zucchni, some vegetables that you like and few drops sesame oil. Mix them all together and then fry it as pancake. When it is done then add some japanese bbq sauce or mayonase on top and then sprinkle some dried shaved BONITO on top of it.
2007-07-05 7:11 pm
家常式 明太子白汁意粉
首先把意粉發好,金寶罐頭湯一罐 (火腿雞粒或粟米火腿便可)。用少少蒜蓉起鑊,加入意粉炒勻,加入罐頭湯炒勻煮滾 (通常一罐湯+半罐水作汁用,汁多少除意。),盛起上碟,把明太子撕去薄膜,用小匙把它分佈在意粉上,酒下芫茜碎便完成。由於明太子有鹹味,所以此意粉不用再加鹽也夠味。
參考: My cooking experience

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