急問......請問造 PET Scan 和 MRI 檢查之分別?

2007-07-05 5:31 am
請問造 PET Scan 和 MRI 檢查之分別?究竟兩者有什麼分別?

回答 (2)

2007-07-05 7:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
PET Scan:
正子掃描 正子掃描 ( Positron Emission Tomography, PET Scan ),
是核子醫學掃描的一種,它是先為病人注射釋放正子的放射製劑再用掃描儀器 ( PET Scanner ) 進行全身掃描的一種檢查。

PET Scan 於腫瘤的應用
PET Scan 用於腫瘤診斷的優點在於其解析度佳及準確度高,最重要的是可全身斷層掃描,亦即一次掃描除了包括腫瘤本身外,另外也包括了附近及全身淋巴結、肺、肝、骨骼等全身器官的評估,是目前評估腫瘤最有效率及較正確的檢查。目前PET Scan 用於腫瘤的主要用途為 : 區別良性或惡性腫瘤、提供腫瘤分期的正確資訊、轉移病變的偵測、區別復發或壞死組織、治療結果評估、腫瘤標記指數升高但無法找出復發腫瘤位置等,可預期未來將會有被用於更多腫瘤相關的領域。

磁 共 振 掃 描 檢 查 ( M R I )
是一種無痛楚及沒有輻射副作用的診斷方法。能清楚顯示身體之內部組織,造出細緻精確的多切面影像,讓醫生能作出準確的診斷,儘早提供適當的治療給病患者 。

不同病情用不同檢查! 有時須要兩種都做,互補不足!

註: 你可補充病情或是檢查目的,以便考慮邊樣最合適!
參考: 專科医生
2007-07-05 7:54 am
樹熊醫生 answer is very clear, just want to supplement some point.

PET scan now also have 2 Choice, one is the PET scan only, one is the PET-CT scan, which is the patient doing PET and CT scan at the same time, because PET is good at detecting cancer...but its picture (image) is not in very good resolution, if supplement with the CT scan, the doctor can diagnosis more accurately. So, if u have to do the PET scan, see whether they have the PET-CT machine...and do the PET-CT scan...though PET scan is very advanced, and it is good at detecting many cancer, it is not good at everything, for example if you want to see the bone, it is the Bone Scan (Nuclear Medicine) still being more accurate than the PET scan. PET Scan is good at in some particular areas, say the Lung scan, but it is not very good at dealing with Brain or Liver...so it very much depends on what the patient suffer.

MRI is good at seeing the body part detail (anatomy), by looking at the image, experienced radiologist (doctor) can diagnosis the disease...patient did not have radiation burden compare with doing PET scan.

Please dont think that which exam is better than which exam...actually there is no exam can be good at everything, even compare with the same region, different exam may have different advantage, some may good at seeing its function and some may good at seeing its region detail (anatomy), how the arteries go or so on....

Both MRI and PET scan can be done in Public and Private Hospital....the price of course is very different...

In public hospital, no charge for MRI but PET scan charge about $10000, and PET-CT only do in QEH. Private hospital also have MRI and PET-CT exam.

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