
2007-07-05 4:33 am
為什麼一首solo organ 音樂 "沒有樂隊協奏部" 也可以令它成為concerto? (除了有"多個聲部"之外, 因為只說"有多聲部"是不夠說服力)
參考音樂 BWV 593

回答 (2)

2007-07-05 4:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
因進入20世紀之後,協奏曲的創作變得越發多樣,有按照傳統模式,亦有完全打破傳統結構的作品,這些叫做協奏曲的作品卻只有一件獨奏樂器而沒有樂隊,這不是叫做協奏曲,只是近似協奏曲這一體裁,如早就有巴哈的Italian Concerto
2007-07-05 6:33 am
At Baroque Period, the composers wrote simple pieces.(Chamber music)

There was no big orchestra for a concerto, instead there were only a few instructments
accompanying the solo instrument (because the songs were often written for nobles to listen in a chamber, thus there was no reason for a big orchestra and this was called chamber music) , but as a piece with accompanyment other than piano is called concerto, these pieces are also called concertos.

2007-07-04 22:36:57 補充:
For the answer of the upper guy, there is a problem. "因進入20世紀之後,協奏曲的創作變得越發多樣,有按照傳統模式,亦有完全打破傳統結構的作品,這些叫做協奏曲的作品卻只有一件獨奏樂器而沒有樂隊,這不是叫做協奏曲,只是近似協奏曲這一體裁,如早就有巴哈的Italian Concerto ", but Baroque was in 17 to early 18 century...and Bach was a Baroque composer...

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