
2007-07-05 1:26 am
而家有poly asso既accounting n finance同human resources management收我
同埋ive 既fashion retail收我
ive o係呢科既升學係點架??唔係design喎~
accounting n finance同human resources management呢兩科分別讀咩架??
呢兩科o係poly asso既升學方面又係點??
ive個升學係咪無咁好架??我想升返去polyU個textile n clothing~
聽落又好似poly asso好過ive...
ive既fashion既升學好d定係poly asso既acc或hrm好d呢?
poly asso又揀邊科好呢?acc定係hrm有前途d?邊科悶d?


回答 (2)

2007-07-12 2:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
You should study asso first. Accounting adn finance: You have to good at numbers . It's more of a one person's work (indoor) to calcuate the internal cost and taxation. Finance is about investment, such as stocks, options, etc/
Human Resource Managemetn is for those who want to be working in human resource firm in the future. You will learn all the laws about employing staff. You will learn many ways to evaluate the performance of the workers. and there will be emphasis on business writing and communication too.
Honestly, not many students can get into the BBA program because it's very competitive and the seats are not many. If you want to get into the BBA program, you must work very hard and try to get some work experience related to your studies to make your C.V looks more attractive to the school to be well-considered. Many students only try to study but have no preparation of their future career=wrong thinking!
前途 is mosre important because you can study evening courses for興趣 as you are working in the future. You should first get your asso, then BBA, then get into a good job first.
If you can tolerate numbers, I will say go for accounting and financa because the future is very very bright. Many HK businessmen are opening companies and there are more demands than supply in accounting. Finance is less important but can get you into money making financial planning job in the bank as the people now like to plan more about retirements.
Design is difficult to study as there are many competition around the world. There is no gurantee that you can get a job you really like after you graduate because design is art. It depends how good you are. but in accounting, if you can do the numbers correctly, you are successful!
2007-07-05 1:28 am
參考: my

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