reflected 在此句作何用?

2007-07-05 12:06 am
[ in their 27-year-old queen, who is handsome , courageous and common sensical, Britons see reflected the best in their national character ]

在女皇身上, 他們見到國魂....(國魂乃 the best in their national character 的中譯, 勿笑 )

但 reflected 所指若何?

回答 (3)

2007-07-05 11:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
原句可以寫成: Britons see the best in their national character reflected in their 27-old-queen, who...

In their 27-year-old queen, ...

In their 27-year-old queen, Britons see the best in their national character reflected.

作者又再將句子調一調,將reflected一詞放在前方,去顯示這個字的重要性。因為Britons see的前面不可以放reflected ,所以「最前」的位置便是在Britons see之後。

In their 27-year-old queen, Britons see reflected the best in their national character.
2007-07-06 12:21 am
it means that 'their natonal character is NOT handsome , courageous or common sensical.
2007-07-05 12:18 am
reflected 通常解反映, 不過呢道可以解:

參考: 個人認為

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