
2007-07-04 11:55 pm
請問如果我想話 "佢喺度講緊電話.請遲D再打過黎" , 咁英文應該點樣講呢?

回答 (10)

2007-07-04 11:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'am sorry, he/she's on the line. Would you mind calling again later?
2007-07-06 8:12 pm
I'm sorry, he's on the phone/on the line, would you mind calling again later/to call again later?
2007-07-06 2:07 am
He or She is not available, please call again later
參考: s
2007-07-05 3:44 am
i think it should be :

" I'm sorry, dear madam. But i'm afraid she's not available at the moment since she's on the other line, please call her back later."
參考: Myself
2007-07-05 1:53 am
1. He/She is talking on the other line, would you mind call in a while.

2. He/She is busy on the other line, please call again.

第一句比較有禮貌回答他人的來电, 第二句是一般的英鎊对白.
2007-07-05 1:14 am
Sorry, he/she is on the phone/line now, please call later.
參考: me
2007-07-05 12:57 am
she/he is on the line,please call angin latter.
參考: myself
2007-07-05 12:16 am
He/She is talking on the phone ,please call again later.
參考: me
2007-07-05 12:00 am
I'm sorry, he's on the phone/on the line, would you mind calling again later/to call again later?
參考: myself
2007-07-04 11:59 pm
He/She is not available at this moment, could you call back later
參考: me

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