【銅鑼灣】IOU salon

2007-07-04 10:35 pm
銅鑼灣IOU salon 好唔好嫁!洗剪吹大約要幾多錢?....有冇邊d師傅是剪得好的?(名)
...除左IOU..銅鑼灣仲有無邊d是剪得好的.......$200留下...THXXXXX !!!!!!

回答 (4)

係呀! IOD唔係幾好.........
2007-07-12 7:31 pm
2007-07-05 2:35 am
This one is best for me,the price is very cheap and the technical with services both excellent,e.g : hair cut is $80 and the ion perm is about $350,l try before and share with you la.....

lD Hair (TST)
Tel"27213982 / 27213987
2007-07-05 1:56 am
"人民公社"....銅鑼灣恩平道樓上鋪,搵Willy, 勁掂!

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