急的! 幫忙求情信轉做英文!

2007-07-04 7:40 pm

學生因考試不合格,未能符合升讀中七的資格.自感愧對師長, 唯仍請俯允學生致函託情,以表心中歉疚。
一. 不了解自己溫習的速度,沒有適當安排時間溫習, 導致溫習的進度拖垮了所以對考試的範圍沒有完全的熟悉.
二. 時間的局限,沒有做足夠的exercises,沒有有足夠的答題經驗,引致考試時未能應用所識的技巧
但仍希望老師能給予機會,讓學生能升讀中七, 並望完成高考後能向升讀中大或浸大的媒體方面的學位.所以學生必笞應好好善用暑假, 針對不足之處加以進補,追回中六的課程,以求莫負所望。如蒙破格提攜,必盡心竭力,唯請校方三思!

回答 (2)

2007-07-04 8:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
學生係你還是你子女? 最好寫明...我當住個學生係你個仔先啦~~

Dear Headmaster / Headmistress, (有名就加上去)

As my son has failed to pass the exam for form7, he felt sorry and ashamed to his teachers. Therefore I would like make an apologise.

Since my son has attended the life of form6, he has tried very hard to learn and reach the standard the teachers have been expected. Somehow although the lessons are more difficult, he has never failed to show his passion to knowledge.

However he did not know how to make a good planning for revision. The uses of method may not be useful for him. Apart from that, the time consuming for revision is very important too. The lack of time and exercises would be a serious effect to the poor results. My son may not fully understand the courses so he cannot get a good result.

Despite the fact that he misunderstood the courses, I always hope that the teachers and headmaster can give him one more chance, to attend the courses of form7. My son has promised to study hard during the summer vacation and improve his form6 study.

Once again, I hope that headmaster would kindly offer him a chance which he will surely appreciate and work hard of.

Thank you for your attention.
Many thanks.

Best Regards,
XXX (你個名)
參考: 自己
2007-07-05 8:44 am
上面果個回應有不少文化錯誤, 以下作少少更正:

Dear Headmaster / Headmistress, (有名就加上去)
I am writing to ask for an acadamic degree. As my son has failed to pass the exam for form7, he feels sorry and ashamed to his teachers. I make an apology for disappointing the teachers.

Since form 6, the student has tried hard to adapt the syllabus and to reach teachers' expectation. Although the lessons are more difficult than before, he has never given up the study. the time spent on revision

However he do not know how to revise the subjects,so he may have revised inefficiently.Also, the time spent on revision is very important. The lack of time and exercises would make some significant effects to the poor results. My son may not fully understand the cause of poor performance, so he cannot attain a good result.

Despite the fact that he misunderstood the cause, I always hope that the teachers and headmaster can give him one more chance to study form7 again My son has promised to study hard during the summer vacation and improve his performance.

Once again, I hope that headmaster would kindly offer him a chance which he will surely appreciate and work hard of.

I am looking forwards to receiving your reply promptly.

Yours faithfully,
X (你個名)

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