麻省community college~~~~Urgent!!

2007-07-04 6:43 pm
1.請問美國Boston 既 Bunker hill community college同Fisher College 好ng好???

2.另外我係massaschusetts resident...but呢幾年係hong kong讀(F.2-F.7)...gum用citizenship黎報community college有冇問題?i hv no SAT results...And 身在香港now...吾可以take placement test
wt can i do?

3.自己報學校都okay??吾使find agents??

回答 (1)

2007-07-04 7:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am going to college ( 4yrs College)in this coming sep. in NYC, maybe I can tell u something but plz do not quote me or rely on my opinion.

1, I dont know about those schools
2, U said u are a Massaschuetts resdient, but I want to know is that are u a permanent resident (Green Card holder) or a citizen of US? If u were a permanent resident, because u were outta of US for over 2 yrs, ur stauts of legal residental had been expired which means u are no longer being US legal resident. However if u were a citizen, of course u could use the citizenship to apply for any college within the US for no questions.
And u said u dont have SAT score, it is not really a big problem because they dont expet "foreign" students to take the SAT, but they DO expect them to have the score for TOFEL. However according to most of my teachers and my own experience( I have just finished HS within US and my SAT score was not high which is 1400 ) most of the colleges dont really concern or I should say SAT is not the only thing they concern about, the most important thing is the records of ur HS (transcript) and the services u have done either to ur school or community <<<<
參考: my own and friends' experiences , teachers

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