about exe. file in mac

2007-07-04 11:14 am
i just change to use imac from PC..and my external harddisc have many videos'
re played by window media and realplayer system.....but when the harddisc connect to mac....all files'
re showed exec. and cant open in mac

what can i do?

can execfile change any format which could use in mac?

Thz for help~~~

could answer m both chinese and eng~thx

回答 (2)

2007-07-13 6:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
real format 可以去 real.com download 番 mac 版 real player 就掂哂

windows media format 只要去 http://www.flip4mac.com/wmv_download.htm download 一個叫 flip4mac 既 plug-in,裝左之後唔止 mac 本身既 quicktime player 可以播倒 windows media 同 avi,連 browser 同 iTunes,甚至 frontrow 等等都即刻 support 哂,好正架

再介紹你 download 埋 perian (http://perian.org/),裝左就可以 support 埋 dvi 等等

上面講既全部都係 freeware,完全可以放心用,裝完三樣野,差唔多所有 format 都播倒架喇
參考: 用 mac 七年
2007-07-05 9:51 pm
they didn't really change the format.
it appears .exec on the preview sheet
just means the file format is not recognize by mac.

like .wmv .asf .rmvb those files,
you need to go download the corresponding programme.
after that,
you can see all the files work smoothly.

2007-07-13 02:06:45 補充:
你改問題其實d file 無改到format只係preview個度話係.exec檔事實上比如video 檔都係wmv/ avi所以唔洗擔心d file 會被改動你要開個file 就要下載該檔案既程式我個人介紹幾個video 既 plugin你自己去yahoo! hk 搜尋全部免費架DivXinstallerRealplayerGoldWMVcomponent裝晒呢d 差唔多就可以睇到好多片wmv avi asf mpeg有d 人鍾意用VLC不過我覺得怪怪地所以唔用你自己睇下有咩需要啦下=]

2007-07-13 02:07:45 補充:
you can go search these programmes in yahoo! hk.they are all free.DivXinstallerRealplayerGoldWMVcomponentor if you like you can go download VLC as well..

2007-07-13 02:08:52 補充:
WM component = flip 4mac
參考: myself =] and i am a mac user too

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