去旅行前想email封英文信俾hotel, 應該點寫?

2007-07-04 10:56 am
我下星期去旅行, 朋友剛去完同一間酒店話附近有工程進行中, 想email一封簡單的信去要求一間比較清靜的房間以及DVD機, 請問英文應該點寫?

回答 (3)

2007-07-05 7:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Room Reservation Department,
XXXX Hotel,
Dear Sir,
Re: Booking for Mrs xxxxxxxxxx & Mr. XXXXXXXXXXX
2007-07-07 to 2007-07-10 One Double Room Reservation
This is to confirm that we are going to take the flight no xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx of XXXXXX Airline and expected to arrive the xxxxxx International Airport on 2007-07-07 at xx:xx hours.
We understand that there is a construction work in progress nearby your hotel. Therefore, we expect to have a quiet room away from the source of disturbance with DVD player facilities.
Trust that these will be taken care of.
Yours truly,
Mrs xxxxxx and Mr. xxxxxxx
重要的是道出確認訂房的(1)日期, (2)房間數目類別, (3)人物, (4)交通工具班次及到達時間行程, (5)特別要求

2007-07-04 23:25:35 補充:
arrival date is your check-in date as normal practice and direct check-in your hotel first. If you are not doing so, you must tell them how you check-in including taking the hotel coach bus (shuttle bus between the hotel and the airport) or not.
參考: my 40 years commercial experience with foreigners
2007-07-06 3:45 am
2).....你send 封e-mail 過去...send比邊個dept?
你係make reservation 個陣同佢講明你有d咩特別要求...會比較直接..
再唔係...你去到 check-in 同個reception講.....
參考: 酒店既一位 receptionist
2007-07-04 2:23 pm
I want to request a room with DVD player and away from the contraction, thank you!

P.S. Don't forget to give them your name and the check in date
參考: my english skill

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