
2007-07-04 8:48 am

1a. 如果將檸檬切開, 假設是1/4或1/8, 所發電力會否相應降低?
1b. 綜合來說, 是否切細檸檬, 再以serial駁埋會有較佳效能?

兩種金屬好多資料都教人用Zinc 和Copper.
2a. 不知那些有Zinc, 我想問用銀色的鐵釘/鏍絲做前者得唔得?
2b. 用一D軟身綠色電線裏的芯做後者得唔得?

3a. 是否一般聖誕燈泡較難用檸檬發電點着? (普通1.5V AA電池serial駁, 可點着4~5個, 即係要0.3V左右先會着?)
3b. 是否用其他的燈會好些 (Diode? 二極管? 我唔識, 正確稱呼係乜? 請指教!)


回答 (2)

2007-07-04 8:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1a) There is no different in voltage generated. Since the power output is depends on what metals and what kind of acid you used, the sizes of the "container" will affect have long the cell can be use. A smaller lemon will give a short life.

b) The main point is not number of piece, but the total sizes. A bigger lemon will give a longer life. But keep in mind that the voltage are the same. If you are connecting the lemon cells in series (not lemon) like we connect many batteries in series, this will increase the voltage output.

2a) The silver of the pins are the coating, this coating are a protection layer, it always is non-conducting. You can use iron, but you need to remove the protective layer first.

b) The copper wires are also covered by a protective layer, you need to remove the protective layer first. But if the wire is too thin, it is hard to use or to remove the protective layer. You are better to use a coarser one.

3a) I forgot the max. voltage output of the lemon cell. But you can increse the voltage by connecting many lemon cells in series.

b) If you use a digital voltmeter, you can measure a very small voltage. They are more sensitive.
2007-07-04 7:28 pm


參考: chem書

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