Is America apathetic??

2007-07-03 4:14 pm
Seems like no matter what happens in the world today, nobody is really passionate anymore??
Everyone just seems to shrug everything off and say "Oh well"
"Thats just the way it is".
I personally think its the flouride in the water. Did you know that extra flouride is put in the water of prisons, because it makes the inmates apathetic?
Are the American public all considered inmates, to be put under control???
Are we all just wage slaves??

回答 (4)

2007-07-03 5:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I'm not one who shrugs it off and says, "Oh well". I'm one who speaks out, contacts my elected officials and reminds them of why I did or didn't vote for them and that I approve or disapprove of their actions.
I believe it is important to become involved in the campaign's of candidates' whose stance on issues is most similar to mine. Important to reach out and encourage people to study the issues not anything for face value.
The immigration bill awoke the silent majority. I hope it stays awake.
2007-07-03 11:28 pm
Yes, to some degree. I think the lure of wealth does kill off passion for more political or social issues.
2007-07-03 11:20 pm
I think you'd find the same attitude wherever you go. Indeed, I think we Asians are even more apathetic than Americans. Europeans might be a tiny bit more passionate, though.
參考: Have lived in Asia, America, and Europe.
2007-07-03 11:24 pm
Who cares?


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