會考完等緊放榜, 想到加拿大的社區學院升學 ,,, 得唔得!?

2007-07-04 5:55 am
如果我依家會考完等緊放榜 ,,,
我諗我一定係無14分 ,,, 我諗都係得9-12分到 ,,,
之後我想到加拿大的社區學院升學 ,,, 得唔得!?

因為我聽人講係最起碼一定要讀完F.6先至可以過得去讀 ,,,
因為F.5唔夠學歷 !*

重有我都知要考TOEFL ,,, 不過我未考 ,,,
而且我都知佢地開學時間係9月或1月 ,,,
甘我依家應該點做 !? 邊度有得教人去考TOEFL !?

回答 (2)

2007-07-06 10:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
Which part of canada are you going to?

If you are going to Vancouver, the worst time to go is after you finish F6. They dont treat you as high school graduate so you cannot apply post secondary institutes such as colleges or universities. Some of the private post secondary institutes may accept you but those are no good...You will need to stuck back in high school to repeat two years.

I recommend you to go to high school to start from grade 11 (you have to start from grade 11 since you need enough credits to graduate high school). If you are working hard to improve you English, you should be able to get admission to top universities in Canada. Public examination in canada is easy (except English).

I dunno much about the east side of Canada.

My friend got the similar CE result as you and still can get into UBC Engineering after 2 yrs of high school here. (He studied very hard on his English though)

"因為我聽人講係最起碼一定要讀完F.6先至可以過得去讀" would be more to those apply to US community colleges.

In Vancouver, schools start in September but some semester schools start in Jan too. You better go there in September in order to get enough credits for graduation.

In Central, (i think it's still the exchange sqaure), there is an official advisory office for those who want to study in Canada. You should go there and ask.

for applying high school, TOEFL is not important. (At least in my sister didn't need that.)
and TOEFL is not that recognized now. IELTS is more recognized.
參考: my friend and me.
2007-07-06 11:15 pm
有4D級或以上,英文成績OK 可以係本地讀外國大學都ok
我知邊到有得教考ToEFL 不過可以時間長短就唔多清楚,要上去問一問先知http://www.xanga.com/Thelostteam

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