
2007-07-04 5:26 am
international studies
The injuries




回答 (3)

2007-07-04 11:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
一個外國英語老師教我, 當你講 general facts 個陣時, 就應該要用 plural

international studies (講既所有既 international studies)
adolescents, teenagers (用 "s " 係指時下既年青人, 講既係而家一般大眾既年青人, 唔係指某一個年青人)

所以當你要講一啲 general 既野, 就應該要加 "s " 啦

2007-07-04 03:44:29 補充:
因為報章報導既新聞都係 general facts, 所以大多都會係 nouns 上加 s
參考: me
2007-07-04 7:07 am
When the 'thing' is countable(可數的), e.g., one apple, two apples, there's plural form (複數) for the noun.

When the 'thing' is uncountable, e.g., happiness, no "s" will be added; thus, no plural form.

so, international studies instead of international study: there are more than one issues to be studied; the injuries instead of the injury: there are more than one injury.

And as the above person has mentioned, plural for y will be ies, f will be ves. There are also some other special situations, e.g, media is plural for medium; criteria is plural for criterion.
2007-07-04 6:14 am
大多數係 y 尾/ f 尾...
如果係 y,會變成ies
如果係 f ,會變成 ves....
defination 係
Plurals and Possessives
參考: me

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