
2007-07-04 5:00 am
如果 lee 幾日先去報名 ge 話,
最好係港島 ga la~

回答 (6)

2007-07-06 6:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
工聯會有閞課, 7月中會有新班,看是否適合你
參考: ME
2007-07-09 11:07 pm
If for summer course, it is too late. Private lesson maybe easy to enroll.

ESDLIFE website's coach seems not pro (without lisence): 1 coach vs more than 10 students sometimes (I saw) on 1 court.
LCSD coaches are usually Level I, some are Level II: 1 vs 18 on 3 courts.
YMCA will have courses: 1 vs 6 or 8 on 1 courts
HKTA website's has course: 1 vs 6 or 8 on 1 courts and you can goto coaches database to check all the registrated coaches (private) data (Level 1, 2 and 3).

Course lessons will be cheaper, but lining-up alot. Private coaching will be more expensive.
If you haven't ever play: Suggest taking course first to see whether you like, then private coaching.
2007-07-09 9:56 pm
本人是一個專業網球教練, 亦是網球總會認可屬會的主席, 我們也有不小網球訓練班可提供給你查詢, 有興趣可e-mail或致電給我們

e-mail: [email protected]
Tel: 6693 2098

2007-07-06 7:09 pm
如有興趣請致電92714801 or send email to me

[email protected]

2007-07-05 1:45 am
this is actually an advertisement !
2007-07-04 5:05 am
Hong Kong,
Chiu Family,
Near Central.

About HK$250/3 hours
You can learn it every week or twice a day.
You can call:28364834

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