
2007-07-04 2:39 am


回答 (3)

2007-07-04 3:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
你可以表演話劇,, 我之前小學畢業都係表演話劇~

The emperor’s new clothes
1. The Emperor
2. The swindler
3.The loyal official
4.The crowd of people(on the street)
5. The little boy
~Narrator: A long time ago, there was an emperor.

~the emperor: I am fond of new clothes very much. Whenever I have new clothes, I will parade through the street.

~Narrator: One day, a swindler came to the palace and told the emperor.

~The swindler: I could weave the most beautiful clothes in the world. But I need lots of pure gold thread and jewelry for the material.

~the emperor: OK, no problem.
(the emperor give the swindler a large sum of money.)

~Narrator: A few days later, the swindler came to the kingdom again.

~the swindler: Your Majesty, the new clothes are so special that only the clever man fit for his job can see.

~The emperor: OK,I see. OK !OK!

~Narrator: Later……

~The emperor: I want to realize the process of the clothes.

~the loyal official: Your Majesty, I will go and see.

~Narrator: At the swindler’s house……

~The swindler: Sir, is the pattern of the clothes pretty?

~the loyal official: Oh! It is absolutely splendid.
~the loyal official: (whisper) My goodness, I can see nothing. Am I stupid or not fit for my job?
(the loyal official went back to the palace.)

~the emperor: How is it?

~the loyal official: It is the most beautiful clothes I have ever seen!

~the emperor: My official can see the clothes. Surely I can.

~Narrator: A week later, the new clothes was ready.

~The swindler: Your Majesty, here is your new clothes. It’s pretty, isn’t it?

~the loyal official: Oh! It is very fantastic, Your Majesty. It is only fit for you.

~The emperor: What is happening! I can’t see the clothes! Am I stupid and unfit to be a king? No! I can never let people know the truth.(whispering)
~The emperor: Well, they indeed are elegant clothes. I love them.

~Narrator: A few days later, the emperor paraded in a procession on the street.

~The crowd of people: What a beautiful clothes!

~the little boy: The emperor has nothing on him!

~the crowd of people: oh, yes! The boy is right!
~Narrator: At last, the emperor went back to the palace.

~the emperor: (angrily) the swindler have to be imprisoned!
(the swindler kneel down in front of the emperor.)
~the end~

仲有, 你可以加長d, and 叫d識樂器果d人係中途加小插曲,, the crowd of people 可以多d人^^
2007-07-04 2:46 am
參考: me
2007-07-04 2:43 am
參考: me

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