grammar 問題第五問

2007-07-04 2:29 am
9. _____________ for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits.
A. Blaming B. Blamed C. To blameD. To be blamed
(點解係B ge?why 不是D?)

10. The Chinese are proud of the 29th Olympic Games____________in Beijing in 2008.
A. holdB. holdingC. heldD. to be held
(點解係D ge?why 不是C?)

11. _________ with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time.
A. FacedB. FaceC. FacingD. To face
(點解係A ge?)

回答 (2)

2007-07-04 9:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
9. 呢句係 participle clause,comma 前後其實係講緊同一個人/一件事,以作修飾/補充資料,主詞同助動詞可省略,以現在/過去分詞(-ing / past participle)開始。
由呢句 participle clause 睇,Alice 唔開心係因為被指搞壞電腦網絡,所以係 passive voice,而全句會係:(Alice was) blamed for breaking down the school computer network. 所以只會係 B。
A 係主動句,即 Alice 怪責人地,但呢句冇講怪責邊個,所係唔o岩;C o既 to blame 可以咁用:Alice is to blame〔係 Alice 衰架啦〕,但就唔係 participle clause o既結構;D 要留意,to do something 意思係將會做呢件事,係一個計劃,未執行。to be blamed 即將被怪責,咁有乜好唔開心呢?

10. 剛講完 to do something 點解,呢度即刻見。奧運未到嘛,咁當然係用唯一一個講計劃o既 to be held 啦。而且奧運係「被舉辦」架嘛,A-C 都係主動句。

11. 同第 9 相似,因為係 participle clause,只有可能係 Faced 或 Facing。而 face 解面對時,一係就講 I am facing this problem(主動)〔可以係簡單現在式 face,呢度只係為左更加應題〕,一係講 I was faced with that problem(被動)。有 with 就一定係被動,所以一定係 A。
2007-07-04 2:53 am
9. it is a past tense sentence (was)
somebody BLAMED ALice for the breakdown of ...
so, change to passive voice,
(Alice was) blamed for the breakdown...
so the answer is B
to be blamed is a future tense clause
10. the Olympic Games not happen yet, it's in the future in 2008
so use to be held
11. it is another passive voice sentence, so we use past participle
in other words,

faced with so much trouble...

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