grammar 問題第四問

2007-07-04 2:25 am
6. Faced with a bill for $10.000, __.
A. an extra job has been given to JohnB. the boss has given John an extra job
C. an extra job has been takenD. John has taken an extra job
(點解係 D ge?)

7. Look out! Don’t get too close to the house____________roof is under repair.
A. whoseB. whichC. of whichD. that
(點解係A ge?)

8. I’m sure you’d rather she went to school by bus, __________?
A. hadn’t youB. wouldn’t youC. aren’t ID. didn’t she
(點解係B ge?)

回答 (2)

2007-07-04 7:42 am
✔ 最佳答案

6係答案d因為呢句係adverb participle,comma後面果句既subject一定係指前面果句,即邊果face with a bill........,四句只有b同d既subject係人,但boss果句唔合理,所以係d。

7係A因為whose係指前面果樣(house)"的".....(呢度係roof),whose係可以修飾人同死物的。若果which同that之後d字應該係修飾house,但就唔係house"既"野。of which應該係同一類咁解,所以不對。


我都唔敢肯定我咁解係唔係100% correct,我係咁理解。
2007-07-04 3:05 am
6. 因為佢有張帳單所以佢要做多份工
the first part of the sentence is the reason 原因, the second part is the outcome結果
7. WHOSE in here means the house's
8. it is a question tag sentence, the main part is < you'd rather she went to school by bus>
you'd rather = you would rather
so use wouldn't you

eg. I think you will let him go, won't you?

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