grammar 問題第三問

2007-07-04 2:22 am
3. She was educated at Beijing University, ___________she went on too have her advanced study abroad.
A. after thatB. from thatC. from which D. after which
(點解係D ge? 可以是A嗎)

4.His plan was such a good one___________we all agreed to accept it.
A. as B. thatC. so D. and
(點解係B ge? 可以是C嗎?)

5. Only then___________how much damage had been caused.
A. had she realizedB. she realizedC. did she realize D. she had realized
(點解係C ge?)

回答 (1)

2007-07-04 8:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實有d難去 explain 這幾句的答案...不過我試下解啦

3. She was educated at Beijing University, ___________she went on too have her advanced study abroad.
A. after thatB. from thatC. from which D. after which
(點解係D ge? 可以是A嗎)

用 after that 既話, 句句子要modify 一下, 如果係我寫, after之前要加個and, that之後要加個comma

She was educated at Beijing University,and after that, she went on too have her advanced study abroad.

句野個meaning一樣, 但係冇左用after which 果種流暢, 因為after which 將前後2個independent clause連埋一齊, 而after that 就只係講完一句還一句, 當然冇咁好

4.His plan was such a good one___________we all agreed to accept it.
A. as B. thatC. so D. and
(點解係B ge? 可以是C嗎?)

用 so 係唔o岩, 因為有個such字

such.....that 係 有因果關係既意思, 你見到 his plan was such a good one 就應該知道之後要跟個that字
你睇下yahoo dictionary, 查個such字, 佢都會話:
such(與that連用) = 如此的...(以致)
He is such a good teacher that all his pupils like him.
如果你想用個so字, 要攞走個such字先可以:
His plan was a good one, so we all agree to accept it.
你睇到啦,其實句句子既structure都會唔同哂, His plan was a good one 宜家變左句independent clause, 但係之前 His plan was such a good one....就唔係一句independent clause, 因為意思唔完整

5. Only then___________how much damage had been caused.
A. had she realizedB. she realizedC. did she realize D. she had realized
(點解係C ge?)
個key word 係 only, 有 only這個字, 令到你要用 inversion
inversion 即係加個auxiliary verbs (be, has) o係個subject既前面, 例如o係問句就成日會用inversion : Did you call her? 個 did (auxiliary verb)就放左o係 you (subject)既前面喇
咁你就會問我, 這句不是問句, 為何要用inversion???
咁係因為, 有其他情況, 都會用inversion, 睇睇:
In formal English, it is quite common to use inversion after negative adverbial expressions and restrictive words such as only, never, hardly and little.

At no time did he get permission for what he was doing.

Not until the next morning did she realise how serious it was.

Only later did they learn his terrible secret.

Never before have I seen such awful behaviour.

Hardly had we walked in the door when the phone started ringing.

Little do you know how much trouble you are in.
你句句子用左only開頭, 係一個restrictive word, 所以, prefer用inversion, 咁即係你得番 A 同 C 可以選...
你睇下我上面highlight 左紫色果句, 都係用左 did 而唔係 had
如果用 had she realize, 就係 past perfect tense, 其實我之前都有講過, past perfect tense 係比較唔common 既, 除非你係想強調於過去某一刻, 已經完成了某某事, 先至會用 past perfect, 否則, 好似這個case, past tense (did she realize) 就可以了...
參考: myself, I live in US and 今次 quote左 YAHOO字典

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