
2007-07-04 2:19 am
1. I’ve tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means___with my progress.
A. the teacher is not satisfiedB. is the teacher not satisfied
C. the teacher is satisfriedD. is the teacher satisfied
(點解係D ge?)

2. I__ in London for many years, but I’ve never regretted my final decision to move back to China.
A. lived B, was living C. have lived D. had lived
(點解係A ge?)


想多問一條 Never in my wildest dreams____these people are living in such poor conditions. A. I could imagine B. could I imagineC. I couldn’t imagineD. couldn’t I imagine (點解係B ge?)

回答 (2)

2007-07-04 8:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 倒裝句將想強調o既o野放上前面,呢度要強調o既係 by no means(完全不可以),如果覺得難理解,不妨先唔好睇佢住,認返呢截句子o既主/動/受詞:
受詞:my progress
主:my teacher
咁動詞就當然係要解作「滿意」啦,因為 by no means 已經係 no o既意思,再選 A/B 就負負得正,變成真係滿意。
而倒裝句係先用動詞行頭,如:Here comes John. 動詞先過主詞,所以 C/D 之間應揀 D。

2. I've never regretted my final decision to move back to China. 即係話已經搬返中國而至今無悔。但呢件事同之前住o係 London 冇關係。o係 London 住係一件往事,與現今無關,但
B. was living 用於其間有d野發生,如:I was eating when the kettle exploded.
C. have lived 即曾經住過而同依家仍然有關係;如:I've tried this dish. I highly recommend it.
D. had lived 用於交代兩件往事o既時序,但呢度冇兩件咁o既事;如:David had killed Joe when the policeman was still on his way.
只有 A 先係單純講一件o係時間關係上獨立o既往事。

3. 同第一條同理,一定先掉左 A & C,因為動/主詞次序唔o岩。句子係解「發夢都從未想過...」,而 never 已有 no o既意思,所以答案亦唔駛再有 not,所以係 B。
2007-07-04 8:48 am
1. I’ve tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means___with my progress.
A. the teacher is not satisfiedB. is the teacher not satisfied
C. the teacher is satisfriedD. is the teacher satisfied
(點解係D ge?)

I think it is because D is the best way answering this question. A and C doen't make any senses at all. B and D is both suitable for this sentences.

2. I__ in London for many years, but I’ve never regretted my final decision to move back to China.
A. lived B, was living C. have lived D. had lived
(點解係A ge?)

Use A because it is already past. You aren't living in London anymore so it pasted, So you should use past tenses on your sentences instead of using present tenses on your sentences. You shouldn't use was/ have/ had. It will make your sentences sound strange and the grammer is wrong.


Never in my wildest dreams____these people are living in such poor conditions.
A. I could imagine B. could I imagineC. I couldn’t imagineD. couldn’t I imagine
(點解係B ge?)

Because it is like 反問句. "Could I imagine" means I can't even believe it. You use a question so it sounds better, and you can use this type of sentences to create a better and rich atmosphere on your sentences.
In this sentences, it tells us that how terrible is the people living in this poor conditions

Hope it helps you and I hope you can understand my writing!
參考: me

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