英國 升學問題

2007-07-04 2:12 am
我想去uk讀書,我今年F.5 我有親人在uk開餐館,我可否一面在親人問餐館做野,一面讀夜校,仲有我有特區護照,我可否去到uk先才找學校

回答 (2)

2007-07-04 10:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Since you have 特區護照, you will need to apply for a school, then apply for a Visa before you can stay in UK. A visitor visa only valid 6 months and you will have problem after that.

Also, 餐館 in UK usually opens 5pm-12am. So you will be better off study during the day and work in the evening in the 餐館.

Hope this helps.
參考: Myself. Live in UK
2007-07-07 1:45 am
如果拿BNO 或特區護需要在香港申請學校並申請學生簽證才可以到英國升學,
你可以一邊做野, 一邊上學既, 不過如果你打算去當地讀寄宿中學既就吾可以做野了,因為學校吾會放你出去, 如果政府學院, College 或者日校都無問題既. 一星期最多可工作20小時,不能超時. 如有興趣, 可email 或add 我Yahoo Messenger : [email protected] 大家交流下啦,


Good Luck

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