
2007-07-04 2:09 am
如果個interviewer問我為何想讀工商管理 , 我應該點答先最好?
我只係諗到有興趣 , 但咁好似唔夠深入 ,

回答 (2)

2007-07-04 2:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Group interview or individaul interview?
When the interviewer ask you why you want to BBA(Major)?
How to answer it depends on which subject u have enrolled.
In addition, u may try to show the interviewer how keen u want to study that subject by showing them your track record which is related to the course. Say, u have worked for a summer job about sales and promotion and blah blah..........or extra-curricular activity etc. that help to develop your interest in marketing. Or have you ever attend uni summer courses that are related.
Provide as much as example to support your arguments. Dont just say that "Because I am interest in marketing". Sometimes, they may ask you which part of marketing your are interested(say for example). Because it is a wide topic in marketing. You may be interested in advertising marketing, internet marketing or marketing management........
Furthermore, if you are going to attend an group interview, there may be no time for you to tell why u are interested in that major. Or you may only given 1 minute time to introduce yourself. Better prepare for that!
And Good luck!
2007-07-04 2:17 am
可以講下讀左呢個 course 點樣幫到你未來既工作方向

2007-07-03 18:19:52 補充:

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