
2007-07-04 1:50 am
想寫個e-mail俾老細話想用我餘下十天的有薪年假請五天假, 由7月16日至7月20日,應該點寫?

回答 (3)

2007-07-05 2:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
想寫個e-mail俾老細話想用我餘下十天的有請五天假, 由7月16日至7月20日,應該點寫?
I hereby asking your permission to take 5 days off as annual leave from 16-20, July 2007. Thank you.
Remarks: The balance of my annualy leave of 2007 is five (5) days.
注: 你不需提及有薪年假, 因這十天或十二天年假是你應有的. You don't have to mention pay-leave as you are entitled to enjoy your annual leave.
參考: SELF
2007-07-04 3:36 am
Please allow me to apply five days annual leave from 16 July to 20 July.
2007-07-04 2:03 am
Dear (Mr or Miss or Mrs),

As my annual pay leave still has ten days remain, I would like to request to take five days from 16/7/2007 to 20/7/2007 from my annual pay leave, I will help to arrange other colleagues to fill in my place during this period.

Yours sincerely,

your name

Is that ok?

2007-07-03 18:10:12 補充:
should be Paid annual leave
參考: myself

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