
2007-07-04 1:14 am

回答 (3)

2007-07-04 7:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
2007-07-04 1:43 am
32 is not considered an advanced age for getting pregnant.
With today's technology and check-up, many women are able to give birth to healthy babies at the age of 38, 40, or even 42.

Only that you will need more time (more cycles) to "bingo " because your chance of becoming pregnant is now lower. Count your day of ovulation, you'll get a better chance. (usually 11 to 13 th day after your 1st day of m)
Your Dr will suggest you to screen for Trisomy (Down Syndrome), because older women has a higher chance of bearing BB with these problems. This can be diagnosed very very early (within the first 3 mths) during pregnancy.

開刀很安全. 對BB沒多大的影響, 一樣很健康聰明.
Some reported that Cesarian has even less complications than Natural Labour (自然分娩).
2007-07-04 1:38 am
3 2 歲 先 至 生 b b 是 高 齡 產 婦
但 你 如 果 係 第 二 胎
就 好 好 多 應 該 問 題 不 大
因 為 我 都 係 3 3 歲 先 生 第 二 胎

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