
2007-07-03 11:11 pm
同女拔..德望..St Paul's Convent比,邊間貴族??(I don't like貴族)

回答 (3)

2007-07-16 9:23 pm
SPCC有冇debate隊,如有,成績如何??yes, in the secondary school but not primary school. the debate team entered the semi-final of sheng tao debating competition last school year


會吾會鬥貴族???no, although the school fee is 48000 per year, students can't afford the fee can apply for the fee remission scheme. Students who have great grades at school need not pay the school fees. There are many students who are enjoying the fee remission scheme. Some of the students also live in public housing estates. They won't show off saying that how much money their families have.

可以帶mobile番學嗎??yes , but you can't use it inside the school campus
2007-07-11 12:13 am
SPCC有debate team, D成績雖然唔算突出, 但都唔錯加. 對過國際學校,仲jor best speaker. (有冇贏我唔清楚)

裏面學生多數都有錢, 學費$48000! 但係好少鬥貴族, 好錢冇錢都一齊玩~

可以帶mobile番學, 但要關掉它, 把它放有locker內(其實你放有書包內也冇人理)

學生好nice, 有融洽.

應該女拔最貴族. 聖保羅第2, 但係學生之間都唔會點鬥貴族~
參考: me(我是聖保羅學生!!!)
2007-07-09 7:51 am
yep there is a debate team in spcc. My friends told me about it and the results aren't that bad. Not everyone there are rich. We can bring a mobile to school too! My classmates are nice to me and are caring. I don't think it's too 貴族. Not sure about the other school.
參考: frds

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