
2007-07-03 11:08 pm
She leaves us to pursue a permanent job .


回答 (4)

2007-07-03 11:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
She was forced to leave us since she has to moved to another country/ city / area.


2007-07-07 13:40:14 補充:
1. remove / removal 係被動ge,只會用係死物身上,指俾人整走如果係生物,就算係動物園 d 動物要搬屋都應該用 relocate / relocation , move / moved ,咁先係主動自己離開,而唔係俾人"整走"

2007-07-07 13:40:26 補充:
2. abandon 係有負面 ge 意思,指責人離棄,有心拋棄一樣野eg. abandon a pet , abandon his family.....如果普通離職無反面 ge ,建議用 leave 會比較生活化同恰當3. Forced to give up this work because of moving and we wish her every success呢句 ok~! 但要架加番個人物,要擺番個she / 人名係句子頭
2007-07-04 4:58 am
Forced to give up this work because of moving .
參考: Me
2007-07-03 11:16 pm

1.I can't do this job because of I need to move home .
2.I can't work of this job because of I need to move home .
參考: 我
2007-07-03 11:15 pm
She compelled to give up this job because of removal.

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