揀錯科! 9成沒offer! 點算好???

2007-07-03 9:46 pm
UE: D CLC:C Chem(AL):E 2AS:D,E
1 3181 HD in Nursing The H K Polytechnic University
2 7802 Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Philosophy Lingnan University
3 3155 HD Scheme in Fashion & Textile Studies The H K Polytechnic University

回答 (4)

2007-07-03 10:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實依你揀法都仲有機會有offer, 因為你1同3都係HD, 我曾經有朋友其中一科唔合格再加一個C都入到hd 既fashion, 所以可能你會有offer ga, 依家要睇係你既運氣同對手

睇下你想做d 咩野工作, 如果你想做nurse, 我覺得直接入護士學校仲好, if not, 其實可以諗下就咁自修, 只係讀一兩科 combine cert, 咁起碼可以專心d 去讀, 唔會俾你響ive既學業影響到, 可能會因為咁而影響到你下一年既高考嘛!

2007-07-04 22:48:43 補充:
我朋友fail 左geog (AL)但佢C左一科我唔記得左係CLC OR UE 都係ASL你既分係上年俾個分嘛!其實分做參考就可以啦個個都咁諗住高, 未必有人會揀呢!!! 咁你揀左就有機會啦
2007-07-09 8:07 pm
唔好retake Chem la,專心讀好IVE,靠IVE入U
2007-07-06 9:41 am
2007-07-04 6:47 am
Indeed you would possibily enter your 3rd choice according to my experience.

I got Chin:C, Eng:D, Chin lit(AL):D, Econ(AL):D Geog(AL):F and got Poly HD Fashion and Textile as my offer. You may not be upset even you don't get any 1st round offer as you are still subject to 2nd round offer.

Are you sure that you can handle IVE and retaking at the same time? Would it be just a waste of time and money? Are the contents of IVE Chem and AL chem the same?

Think twice before you make any decision, guy! I am a self-study student this year that i really can have some advice on you guy, contact me on [email protected] if you want more details:)
參考: My own experience

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