我想問下香港除左x-game 外 , 邊度仲有 skimboard ( 滑沙板 ) 賣呀 ?

2007-07-03 8:43 pm
我想問下香港除左x-game 外 , 邊度仲有 skimboard ( 滑沙板 ) 賣呀 ?

回答 (3)

2007-07-04 6:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
真係冇係其他地方見過有得賣. 不如試下 yahoo拍賣 或者:
2010-04-22 4:36 am
We are the agent of Victoria Skimboards in Taiwan.
If you are interested in Victoria Skimboards.
Or some friends want to buy the Victoria Skimboards from Taiwan.
You can contact and dicuss with us from E-Mail.
We wish to give you a good price
[email protected]

2007-07-05 10:24 pm
我有一片全新橙色大碼的纖維Skimboard出售,售價HK$500,如有興趣可電郵我: [email protected]

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