What are the lyrics to Nightcore's "Wriemia Agniej"?

2007-07-03 12:34 am
DON'T tell me to google it. I tried. Don't give me links to websites I could *try*, I want the EXACT link.

回答 (2)

2007-07-04 9:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2015-03-12 4:48 am
I found them in the comments, Nightcore - Sound of My Dream (Wriemia Agniej)

doe19676 years ago
Pronounciation: Capital vowels mark stress in long words (> 1 syllable). Soft consonants at the end marked with ' 1. Ya, ya ubiegU, tak daliekO, skrOyus at vsiekh, nie naidUt mieniA. Ya nie paimU, shto gavarIt gOlas zavUshiy mieniA, tam vdAl'. Ya ubiegU, s viEtram naidU nAshu svabOdu, mayU miechtU. Ti nie prasI, nie abmanI, dai pamiechtAt'. 2.SeichAs, wriEmia agniEj sriEd' diskatiEk, WriEmia pachustvavAt' agOn', WriEmia kasnUtsia nAshikh tiEl I tantsevAt' vdvaijOm vsiU noch. WriEmia seichAs!

doe19676 years ago
Now, English translation. Pronunciation to follow: Verse 1: I, I'll run away, so far away, I'll hide from everybody, nobody will find me. I don't understand what says the voice calling me far away. I'll run away with the wind and will find our freedom, my dream. Don't ask me, don't lie to me, let me dream. Verse 2 at 01:22 min: Now is time of lights of discotheques, Time to feel the fire, Time to touch our bodies And dance all night long. The time is now! Verse 1 repeats at 02:40 min

doe19676 years ago
Here are Russian lyrics. English translation to follow: Verse 1: Я, я убегу, так далеко, скроюсь от всех, не найдут меня. Я не пойму, что говорит голос зовущий меня, там вдаль. Я убегу, с ветром найду нашу свободу, мою мечту. Ты не проси, не обмани, дай помечтать. Verse 2 at 01:22 min: Сейчас, время огней средь дискотек, Время почувствовать огонь, Время коснуться наших тел И танцевать вдвоем всю ночь. Время сейчас! Verse 1 repeats at 02:40 min

AND some facts about the producer
tippership5 years agoin reply to naruhina45321
Janardana (Leo Major) a polish producer met with Dj Primo and became Clubringer. The original song is named Clubringer feat Yulia - Wriemia Agniej but written in Russian not polish (2002). Clubringer met Kate Lesing and created the english version called Sound Of My Dreams (2003). Janardana came together with DJ Silver and became East Clubbers. Everyone and their mom did the remix including Nightcore, Splash, etc. - i found this out. Moronic critic? comon. i checked the facts

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