關於NDS一問 ???

2007-07-03 7:43 am
我想問NDS有冇話"使唔使改機 ga ???", I want to plug the 1GB or 2GB memory card into the NDS to play. Someone told me it wont work, but someone told me it works. They said I just have to buy the R4 adaptor and the memory card then i can play. 係唔係行貨和水貨都可以咁樣就玩到 ga la ????

回答 (2)

2007-07-03 8:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
ndsl, just like other game ports, can 改機 but i suggest you not to do so! Once you 改機, that means the player itself will be opened and certain parts will be taken out so that you can play downloaded games, you will lose your warranty with the supplier.

r4 can support 1GB as well as 2GB memory card ga~
i have asked the seller when i brought the card in April~~
both 行貨和水貨 can use r4 too, my NDS is a 行貨 and i have used a r4 and 1GB card. ~
參考: myself~
2007-07-03 8:32 pm
now can not buy NDS,you only can buy NDSL
NDS:改機 NDSL:no使改機
行貨和水貨都可以咁樣就玩到 ga

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